Oklahoma Softball Team Stands Up for Their Celebrations Prior to WCWS Championship

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On Tuesday, Oklahoma softball coach Patty Gasso expressed her belief that her players should not feel the need to apologize for their energetic style of play and outward displays of celebration, even in situations that may seem insignificant, like a walk.

Gasso explained that it’s frustrating that women have put in immense effort to reach this level of competition, yet they still face criticism for their actions. She firmly stated that their team plays with a particular style, which many people appreciate. If someone doesn’t enjoy it, that’s their choice, but Gasso firmly believes that they won’t apologize for their players who understand the game and celebrate in an appropriate manner.

Lately, the Sooners have had numerous reasons to rejoice. Oklahoma Softball team currently hold the top ranking and have achieved an impressive NCAA record of winning 51 consecutive games.

On Wednesday, Oklahoma Softball Team Stands Up for Their Celebrations Prior to WCWS Championship will aim to secure their third consecutive national championship as they face off against Florida State in the final match of the Women’s College World Series.

However, just before the best-of-three series, left fielder Alyssa Brito acknowledged that the players are aware of the criticism they face for their emotional and exciting style of play.

“I’ve noticed a lot of comments on social media,” Brito shared.

In response, center fielder Jayda Coleman revealed that she avoids checking her social media accounts because the negative comments would only fuel her and potentially make her want to express herself even more on the field.

Oklahoma Softball

Coleman, a highly regarded player who has received recognition as a first-team All-American and is currently tied for the team’s highest number of home runs with 17, pointed out the existence of a double standard regarding celebrations in sports between men and women.

“I genuinely don’t understand it,” she expressed. “In softball, we are constantly breaking barriers. I have witnessed it firsthand, and it’s disheartening to see people trying to undermine us in that manner. It’s not necessarily tearing us down, but it’s portraying our actions in a negative way. Yet, we see MLB, NBA, and NFL players doing the exact same things—throwing helmets and expressing their emotions. Why can’t we, as athletes in the same league, show our emotions openly?”

Oklahoma Softball Players Call for Equality and Clarify Intentions

It is disheartening to observe the unfair treatment of female athletes compared to their male counterparts, where certain behaviors are deemed acceptable for men but not for women. I hope that this double standard will change in the near future,” Coleman expressed her disappointment.

Shortstop Grace Lyons clarified that their actions are never intended to belittle or disrespect their opponents.

“Our goal is to bring enthusiasm and energy to our team,Oklahoma Softball. directing our focus inward rather than on others,” she clarified. It’s crucial to recognize that our style of play is not meant to be viewed negatively. While it may be perceived that way by some, our actions are purely driven by our own happiness and enthusiasm, never with the intention of tearing anyone down.”

Brito, a highly acclaimed player who has earned the distinction of being a first-team All-American and holds the team’s highest slugging percentage of .824, highlighted the positive aspect of dealing with critics on social media. She emphasized that the advantage of social media is that you have the option to simply put down your phone and ignore the negativity.

We can’t please everyone, and that’s not our purpose in playing this game,” she asserted. “We’re not here to fulfill anyone’s expectations. Personally, I will continue to be myself and stay true to who I am. If my passion and enthusiasm happen to offend someone, I won’t let it alter my game or who I am as a player.”

The criticism doesn’t seem to have had any impact on Oklahoma Softball team.

Throughout their remarkable 51-game winning streak, which began on February 19, the Sooners have showcased their dominance by outscoring their opponents by a substantial margin of 420-49.

On Tuesday, Florida State pitcher Kathryn Sandercock acknowledged the formidable challenge of facing Oklahoma, stating, “The margin for error is incredibly small when you’re competing against Oklahoma.”

Seminoles catcher Michaela Edenfield echoed the message conveyed by their coach, Lonni Alameda, reminding the team that feeling pressure is a sign of privilege and an opportunity to rise to the occasion.

Edenfield expressed confidence in both teams’ abilities, acknowledging Oklahoma Softball as a formidable opponent. She emphasized that Florida State is also a strong team and believes they have the capability to compete on equal footing. To achieve success against Oklahoma Softball Team Stands Up for Their Celebrations Prior to WCWS Championship, Edenfield highlighted the importance of staying focused and remaining in the present moment.

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